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Thematic Headlines
Widening the portfolio of seamless journey options by connecting mobility stakeholders
The value of open source and open data: Are they a significant evolution to enhance trusted governance?
Procurement: Best practice management in the interest of operators and authorities
Making the use of public transport easier: Showcasing implementations and projects in CEE
ABT – Is it the new normal of ticketing or just a natural technical evolution?
Evolutions in new ticketing sales and fare models: A railway perspective
Mobile Ticketing : Are we finally there?
EMV, mobile and traditional ticketing schemes: How to make them an understandable option for customers?
Shaping new mobility paradigms: What does AI mean for the sector?
List of confirmed speakers
Budapesti Közlekedesi Központ (BKK)
MÁV Start
Ceske Drahy (CD)
City of Belgrade Secretariat for Public Transport
ATM Barcelona
KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Budapest
Romanian Railways Authority
HID Global
Transport Public Bucuresti Ilfov
Civinet Romania
GVB Amsterdam
Visa Europe
Sigma Spa
Smart Ticketing Alliance
Club Italia
Previous editions

The 2015 Budapest Smart Ticketing & Transport Forum was a 1st of its kind and a great success, as well as the following 8 editions welcoming more than 100 participants each year.
Budapest representatives had the opportunity to present their ticketing projects and give valuable insights on the current Schemes in Hungary. The events also focused on international initiatives, on the need for standards, and on how interoperability is becoming a reality. Senior experts shared their experience and knowledge on these topics to give the attendance a comprehensive overview of the technological opportunities and the best way to exploit them.
Furthermore, the Budapest Forums gave room for live demonstration of equipment.
Calypso Networks Association invites you to the 10th edition of Budapest Smart Ticketing and Digital Services Forum!
10-11 April 2025
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The conference will be held in:
Mercure Budapest City Center Hotel
Budapest, Váci utca 20
H-1052, Hungary
Program of Day 1 (04.07.2024)
09:00–09:30 Registration and coffee
09:30–09:35 Grand opening and institutional welcome (Gianluca Cuzzolin – Chairman, CNA)
09:35-10:00 Opening Keynote: Overview of Nationwide Mobility Initiatives in Hungary (Vilmos Oszter, Senior Researcher, KTI)
Session 1 – Making the use of public transport easier: Showcasing implementations and projects in CEE
10:00–10:20 Introducing open loop in a monthly pass heavy environment (Budapest) (Bence Nagy Senior Project Manager - BKK Centre for Budapest Transport)
10:20–10:40 Public Transport in Belgrade – Recent innovations to improve the passenger experience (Dragana Popadić - Coordinator for Public Transport, City of Belgrade - City Administration Secretariat for Public Transport)
10:40–11:00 The reality of new ticket sales models (Ludek Vyka – Director Department of International Affairs, Czech Railways)
11:00–11:20 How the Zlín Region designed and implemented a fully integrated tariff system in record time (Jan Kolarik – Project Manager, MHD UH)
11:20–11:40 Tariff jungle or cheap all-you-can-eat passes - is there a middle way? (András Ekés – Business Development Manager CEE, FAIRTIQ)
11:40–11:55 Coffee break powered by Cubic, Fairtiq and Siemens
Session 2 – The value of open source and open data: Are they a significant evolution to enhance trusted governance?
Session / Panel Convenor: Ferdinand Burgersdijk (CEO, Fairs Fair)
11:55–12:15 Advancing seamless and interoperable multi-modal mobility in Europe: The role of DATA4PT (Efe Usanmaz – Manager of IT Committees, UITP)
12:15–12:55 Carme Fabregas (CTO, ATM Barcelona), Violeta Mihalache (Director, Civinet Romania)
12:55–14:00 Lunch Break powered by Cubic
Session 3 – Procurement: Best practice management in the interest of operators and authorities
14:00–14:25 Sustainable investment and systems governance : the challenges of drafting a call for tenders (Yann Chermat - Chief Operations Officer, CNA)
14:25–14:50 EMV in Venice - Building a New Customer Experience in the Complex Venetian Landscape – The procurement perspective (Peter Penzo – Head of Technological Systems Installation Office, ACTV S.p.A.)
Session 4 – Widening the portfolio of seamless journey options by connecting mobility stakeholders
Panel Convenor: Sören Sörensen (CEO, SFMCON)
14:50–16:00 Bence Nagy (Senior Project Manager, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport), Maurizio Locatelli (Parking Technology Expert, Interparking), Cesare Paciello (CEO, HID Global S.p.A.), Eszter Kardos (Country Manager Hungary, Uber), Thea Fisher (Senior Director, Head of Urban Mobility, Visa Global Mobility Solutions)
16:00–16:10 Coffee break powered by Cubic, Fairtiq and Siemens
Session 5 – ABT – Is it the new normal of ticketing or just a natural technical evolution?
16:10–16:30 From card based ticketing to account based ticketing, news for customers (Matteo Tanduo – IT Project Manager – ACTV S.p.A.)
16:30–16:50 Account-based ticketing: varying views, instantiations in implementations - and moving forward in phases to a commonly accepted basis (Jaap de Bie - Technical Co-ordinator, Smart Ticketing Alliance)
16:50–17:10 The fare integration system of the Campania Region between CBT and ABT. Opportunities and critical issues for the Unicocampania Consortium (Guido Cangiano – Chief Technological Officer, Consorzio Unico Campania)
17:10–17:15 Closing of the conference day
18:30 Departure to festive dinner at Zwack Museum
Program of Day 2 (05.07.2024)
09:00–09:10 Welcome coffee and introduction (Dr. Ralph Gambetta – General Secretary, CNA)
Session 1 – Evolutions in new ticketing sales and fare models: A railway perspective
09:10–09:30 Nationwide ticketing initiatives: Finally, a step towards interoperability and seamless customer journey? (Péter Singer – Head of Pricing and Sales Management, MÁV Start)
09:30–09:50 New Romanian railway passenger tariffing rules - way to move forward towards smart integrated ticketing (Stefan Roseanu - President, Romanian Railways Authority)
Session 2 – Mobile Ticketing : Are we finally there?
09:50–10:15 Tripco: A Journey of Transformation – Bridging Gaps in Bulgarian Public Transport and Beyond (Manuela Maneva - Founder, Tripco)
10:15–10:45 Virtual closed loop transit - a unique customer experience through apps and wallets (Louis Brosse – CEO, Wizway)
10:45–11:05 Coffee break powered by Cubic, Fairtiq and Siemens
Session 3 – Mobile, EMV and traditional ticketing schemes: How to make them an understandable option for customers?
Session / Panel Convenor: Ana Maria Paladus (Vice President, REPER21)
11:05–11:25 The sun shines on everyone – Be Customer Experience Driven! (Dave Rayner – Global Service Solutions Director, Cubic Transportation Systems)
11:25–12:10 Antoine Belaieff (Lead New Markets, FAIRTIQ), Roberto Evoli (International Sales Director, Sigma S.p.A.), Egon Hogenboom (Marketing Manager, GVB Amsterdam), Dr. Uli Lange (Head of Sales Management & Presales Consulting, eos.uptrade)
Session 4 – Shaping new mobility paradigms: What does AI mean for the sector?
Session / Panel Convenor: Xavier Arrufat (Chairman, AI WG, UITP)
12:10–12:30 Smart Mobility: leveraging AI to enhance public transport efficiency and passenger experience (Dr. Filippo Logi – Director International Sales – Mobility Software, Siemens Mobility GmbH)
12:30–13:10 Dave Rayner (Global Service Solutions Director, Cubic Transportation Systems), Carme Fabregas (CTO, ATM Barcelona)
13:10–13:15 Closing of the 9th Budapest Forum (Gianluca Cuzzolin – Chairman, CNA)
13:15 Lunch Break powered by Cubic